Our mission is to raise funds through downloads of the song "Until We Sing Again," as well as monetary donations and in-kind gifts like tickets, dinners, or a night on the town to create memorable experiences for our medical first responder's afterlife gets back to quasi-normal. This is a way to show our medical first responders how much we appreciate them while also stimulating the economy. We plan to send teams of these hard-working nurses, doctors, firefighters, police officers, nursing home staff, etc. out on the town to have some fun after working through these difficult times. It might be dinner at their favorite restaurant, a comedy show, a trip to their favorite amusement park, or to see their favorite NBA, NHL, MLS, MBL or NHL team, or maybe it's a concert, musical or play – the sky's the limit!
Pete's Dueling Piano Bar recently created a big buzz while raising over $32,000 for their staff of bartenders, waitresses, and door hosts with five virtual live performances under the mantra "Until We Sing Again." The piano players at Pete's Dueling Piano Bar created a performance that brought a little joy back into the homes of Pete's friends and family while adhering to the current stay-at-home order and raising money.
Now on to the second act, "Until We Sing Again," the song: The team at Pete's Dueling Piano Bar has further committed to fundraising $1 million to give back to our first responders, showing them that we care and are taking this stay-at-home order seriously.
Corey Urbach, the owner of Pete's Dueling Piano Bar, cowrote a beautiful song with Kyle Level and David Banning titled "Until We Sing Again." This song embraces everything that America stands for, including faith, love, and perseverance! "Until We Sing Again" speaks to all of us, and our values are embodied in its words. The song will translate to anyone and everyone until we dance, hug, and celebrate again and until we return to weddings, sporting events, and concerts. We will eventually be able to do all these things again. For now, we must leave it to the power of a song that lifts us up and helps us through times like these! Let's raise up our first responders in song, reach into our soul, and do what is right and stay home!
Everyone at Pete's Dueling Piano Bar challenges YOU to take the Until We Sing Again Challenge: #untilwesingagainchallenge. Please post your pictures of social distancing when in public or of being a responsible person staying home so that we can keep our first responders and the elderly out of harm's way and get back to living life.
How do you take the #untilwesingagainchallenge? Please upload a photo/video of yourself, your family, first responders, your dog, or a special memory to Instagram. Just remember to practice social distancing and hashtag the photo/video #untilewesingagainchallenge. The second step is to check out our tribute song, "Until We Sing Again," on iTunes. Funds we raise will be put right back into the economy after this is all over. Our goal is BIG! In Texas, everything is BIG. Let's shoot for one million dollars!
How To Receive an Until We Sing Again Experience: To receive a first responder team experience, please write a letter and tell us your extraordinary story. Your story can be submitted by a colleague, a family member, or a friend on the team's behalf. Please share pictures/videos as well to #untilwesingagainchallenge. Please submit stories to info@untilwesingagain.com
Promotional Packages: Anyone that wants to donate tickets, dinners a special night on the town, please contact us at info@untilwesingagain.com
For more Information Contact: Jacqueline Mcallister @ 214-668-4200
www.untilwesingagain.com jacque@petesduelingpianobar.com
Download "Until We Sing Again" on iTunes Store!