
Donations can be made to the Delores A. Hudson Foundation online as noted below. Donations can be made in honor of someone or in memory of someone. Acknowledgements will be sent to you for tax purposes. If a donation is made in memory of someone and you want an acknowledgement made to the family, we will be happy to do that as well.

Your donations go toward our many programs designed to increase awareness of and education about ovarian cancer. However, the majority of the funds remain here in the DFW area for programs within our community. Last year we were proud to have donations which allowed us to not only meet the needs of our education and awareness programs but also a surplus at the end of the year to donate toward ovarian cancer research in north Texas. Each year we have expanded our programs to reach further into our community and we are grateful for the support of all those who donate.

Matching Gifts

If your company has a matching gift program, please obtain a form and send it in to our office. We will return it to your employer.

Make a Donation


Please complete the following dontation form and email. 

   Donation Form

Delores A. Hudson Foundation