About Delores A. Hudson

Delores A. Hudson

by Jacqueline McAllister

Delores was born to Mavis and Charlie Glidden in New Boston, Texas (just outside of Texarkana) on September 13, 1949. She graduated from South Garland HS and won numerous awards for her baton talents. She raised two children for many years as a single parent, and was truly an amazing mother. As her daughter, I can truly say that we had a wonderful childhood and cannot begin to express how much she took care of us then and still was imparting great wisdom and love to us up until her last days. She was married to a loving husband, Al Hudson for 17 years, who made all of us feel like part of his family when he married Mom.

Mother was full of life with an amazing sense of humor and always looked on the bright side of things. Just days before she passed, she told us all a story about how when she was just diagnosed with cancer (and had lost her hair) she and Al went for a drive in the convertible:

They were out by Grapevine Lake and suddenly she told Al to pull over. She said that it was such a beautiful day that they needed to put the top down. She then proceeded to take off her wig and threw it on the floorboard. She placed her cap on her bald head and off they went to enjoy the day. And from what Mom said, enjoy it they did, slowing traffic to just a crawl at times as they took in the scenery. This is just one example of Mother's wonderful love of life and spirited attitude that made her so special.

Mother never said a hurtful thing about anyone...her motto was, "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say it all." She was more than dedicated to her family, friends and her job. Mother was so well respected by everyone and if she was asked to do something she did it and she completed it with perfection. Working at Ulta since 1994, she won the Award of Excellence three years in a row. She was first your boss, but then a friend. We have had so many calls, cards and flowers from her employees, bosses and co-workers that it just shows how well respected and loved she was by all those that worked for her and with her.

She was a friend, confidante. She was loved by everyone who knew her and she was described as an "angel" by family, friends, and even acquaintances. She was our own precious angel and though we can't see her anymore, I thank God for the blessing of His gift to us - an Angel Mom.

As a way for our family to keep Mother's memory alive, a promise was made to establish a foundation in her name. Therefore, on Monday, February 25th, the day after she left us for heaven, The Delores A. Hudson Foundation was formally started. So others can learn and benefit from what she went through and hopefully the funds generated can help others and in the process keep our mother's memory alive forever so we her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will always remember what a courageous and remarkable lady she was during her brief time with us!

If, by the end of her life, our mother ended up touching all of your hearts through knowing her or through the words you read about her----then we ask you, what else can anyone ask for in this world, but to touch people’s hearts? And thus as her daughter, Mother will live on within me, through me, and through the foundation for the rest of my life and years to come. We love you!

Photo Memories of Delores

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